Habiba Zaman


Posts tagged burnout
Healing Yourself By Healing Your Body

We often imagine healing to be a magical, linear process. However, true healing holistically combines the wellness of the mind, heart, and body, and that can take a lot of hard work. Understanding how the three are intertwined may be difficult, but the link between body and mind has actually been scientifically proven by studies around the world.

The PAAH cites international programs that have revealed how physical activity guidelines can reduce onset, incidence, and severity of depression, while also mitigating stress and anxiety.

How does this happen? Let’s take a closer look at the connections.

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Running on Empty

The important part about feeling burnt out is to recognize when it is coming on. Typically the signs for me would be a lackluster attitude towards the administrative side to counseling such as writing up my notes and evaluations, taking payment or calling new clients back, when previously I felt passionate towards the administrative contribution of building my private practice. I also notice that I am wishing for weekends to come sooner rather than later, or finding myself taking longer times to get the day started and waiting till the last minute to get going.

I have to regularly remind myself that taking a break to create a physical or mental distance is not reflective of my work ethic or whether or not I value helping others. It just means…

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